Friday 29 June 2007

Monsoon Spirit

They arrived late in Mumbai, but now that they have arrived, they haven't stopped. Thats monsoon this season. The weather was never such beautiful earlier. It's a season to celeberate, to have fun and spread the joy.

Though it is such a blessing, people are fearing it. They have been struck by madness. I have come across people who will start fearing if it starts raining continuously for an hour. People at home would not leave their homes in such situation while those in office would wrap up their work to return home as quickly as possible. Nothing wrong in it, but the fear that has been infused in the minds of people due to the 26/7 deluge has been more than required.

We bitch acout the authorities not doing their work, but how many people actually do their duties as a citizen of Mumbai. There are people I come across everyday who'll throw papers, plastics or wrappers on the road or will spit anywhere as if the place doesn't belong to them. The material thrown goes to the drains and blocks the drainage system. No matter how much the authorities try to clear the drains, the problems will persist until we ourselves become responsible.

Lets remove the fear by making our Cities cleaner and spread the JOY.

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